Hundreds of art projects and videos for kids that are fun for kids -
AND fun for you.
Over 10,000 homeschoolers and art teachers have LOVED the glitter bomb® and said yes to art projects that are more than Monet.
No more Pinterest, no more spending hours away from the family.
100% Kid-Tested
Our projects are tested across K-7th in homes and in the art room so you are successful, no matter what grade you're teaching the projects to.
100% Kid-Approved
Say goodbye to hearing "I'm bored", "I hate art time", and un-engaged kids. Our lessons are more than Monet. They're frost giants, optical illusions, and dragons!
100% Cross-Curricular
Effortlessly link art to science, history, geography, language arts, and math so kids further their learning. Our projects are also great for STEAM!
Kids love creating what they're passionate about - but they don't know how.
And sometimes you don't know how to help them.
You might have scrambled for that mid-afternoon or evening Pinterest or Google search a time or two, and if chances are, you've found:
- projects for the wrong grade
- projects with no instructions
- the same projects over and over
- the same cookie cutter crafts
- no projects for the subject you want to teach
- projects that are...boring
How often have you walked away with something that you thought would work - but your kids are less than excited.
Thousands of Glitterbombers have learned that it isn't that their kids don't like art - it's that they haven't found the right projects...until now.
You need an art program that's fun for kids - but still covers the elements and principles, different mediums, artist studies - alongside science, history, geography, and more.
You need a way for them to explore their creativity - without the cookie cutter mentality of other curriculums.

Why do thousands prefer us over other art memberships?
Here's only a few reasons our members have told us!
Glitterbombers Membership
- 100% kid-tested, kid-approved, and developed with kid-input
- Nothing to unlock - EVER
- Links effortlessly to popular homeschool curriculums
- Hundreds of videos for kids
- Process art for our younger students
- Project based AND choice based art projects
- Uses supplies you most likely have, with a few new ones
- Picture book projects AND popular chapter book projects
- A focus on MORE than drawing and painting, with many 3D projects in clay AND other medium
- Projects designed by art teachers and homeschoolers in the field
- A community where homeschoolers AND art teachers are welcomed
Other Art Memberships
- Only give you access to certain projects every month
- Heavy focus on drawing and painting
- Only project based, cookie-cutter art
- Projects with a large supply list
- Only focus on picture book projects
- Drawing and painting heavy
- Projects designed by art teachers, without kid-input
- Communities that are either art teachers or homeschoolers, without the benefit from both

An entire library of art projects and resources at your fingertips - 24/7 - with nothing to unlock.
A single place to locate step-by-step projects at your fingertips.
With videos.
Done-for-you curriculums.
Activities that link science, geography, and writing.
When your kids were asking for art time - or you needed that sub plan - you were ready.
And every. single. project. kid-approved and developed with kid-input so you KNEW it would be fun.
But don't take our word for it - here's what our members are saying!

Jessica P.
Art Teacher
I asked my husband if a yearly membership for this group could be my birthday present and I have to say… it has been a life saver! In 4 weeks I was able to do a different lesson with each of my 24 classes and even give students a choice between 2-3 different lessons with similar supplies. At the end of the 4 weeks, we had an art show. Everyone raved about how talented our students were and how every single one was successful. We have roughly 360 students and I see them once a week for 45 minutes. Not taking in to account there were a few sick days, testing days and field trips in there too so not every class got to see me 4 times. The ease of using the system was great as well. I’ve used other lesson planning systems and while the content was great, it wasn’t organized as nicely and as easy to download for admin to see my lesson plans. One of my favorite features is the picture view so you can look quickly at each example.
We have loved our Glitterbombers membership, it is the best money we spend on homeschooling monthly and the best return on our investment. We fight perfectionism in our home and I didn’t think I could teach art, but it is now easily our favorite subject and I feel like I have a trusted guide beside me. Our kid said the yeti project was the first time she’s ever loved her artwork and I am always looking forward to the next project we do. There are so many great projects to choose from it easily fits into our unit studies and curriculum.
Head of School/Principal
The Glitter Bomb Art Curriculum has elevated the Taylor School's art program. The lessons are designed to set the students up for success, enabling each one to tap into their creativity and produce work they can be proud of. Students are highly engaged because their artwork allows them to see themselves as creators of display-worthy art.
Our art program is the hallmark of the school, in large part due to The Glitter Bomb Art Curriculum. The annual Art Show is the highlight of the year. Our families are amazed by the body of work created by our students. The success of our art curriculum, and our focus on the arts as an integral part of our school culture, would not be possible without the wonderful curriculum provided by The Glitter Bomb.
Julie R., owner of The Curious Brush, has this to say:
As an art studio owner, I truly value my membership with Soul Sparklettes Art. The lessons, of course, are so engaging and my students love them. I appreciate how flexible they are, so I can adapt them to different skill levels, and help everyone feel successful. I can even adapt them to different art supplies, based on what I’ve got on hand! But just as important is the access that Julie Soul and her team provide. If I need direction on finding a project to suit a specific theme, a certain age group, or a Zoom class — any situation at all! — I reach out to them, and I get a response the same day, with truly helpful guidance. Every time. On those occasions I truly feel like I’ve got a team behind me, and the reassurance that makes me feel, knowing they’re only a text away, is huge.

Our projects are developed by a homeschooler and art teacher team who teach art - just like you.
No more art projects designed by companies who aren't even in the arena, or those who don't even know kids.
We're here to support you through your unique challenges.
With a toddler at the dining table.
Kids who are begging to draw the beetle they just saw outside.
A limited art supply budget.
A quick project for when you just can't even.
Why can't we just draw dragons?!
Now you can - and learn art techniques and skills too.
We've been there. We are there. And that means we're there for you.

Don't wonder what it looks like inside the membership portal - see it for yourself!
Our projects are a mix of history, science, geography , and kid favorites -don't ever feel guilty about "just doing art" again!

Our members always have a say - because this is YOUR membership too.
Scuba dive through coral reefs, board a plane to Madagascar or a National Park, travel back to Ancient Egypt, learn about U.S. History and the 50 States, or study Impressionism.
And while you're teaching - you're learning too. Our lessons come with handouts to learn more about the topic, as well as drawing guides, and other resources.
You'll love hundreds of lessons already in our library and our upcoming bundles which include Magic and Mystery, India, Microbiology, and more. We work hard to match our projects to the curriculums that you know and love - and to what kids love too.
And members vote every fall on the new year - as well as give input all year round.
Wouldn't it be nice to feel heard - and to ask for lessons that you need...and get them?

Our bundles are STEAM and core content rich - and they pair effortlessly with other curriculums.

Other memberships are twice the cost, and make you wait to access your projects.
We care about keeping our costs low - so that you can still swing by your local coffee joint.
You shouldn't have to wait until after kids have lost interest before you can access the lessons you want and need. Kids may be into dogs this week and into unicorns the next!
When kids want to draw the beetle they saw outside - you'll be ready. Members have full access to all of the lessons, resources, and handouts inside the membership as soon as they join. They also have input into what's coming into the membership next!

A project for every occasion - and kids are begging for more!
Whether you need step-by-step or just an idea of where to begin...
Our lesson plans include books and video suggestions, a supply list, I CAN statements, vocabulary, and essential questions.
Use our unique leveled system to know where to start and what grades would like this project the best.
Scale up and down easily with our differentiation section which also gives ideas for creative choice!
Feel at ease with step-by-step instructions, tons of pictures, tips and tricks, drawing guides, and additional handouts - even if you're saying to yourself "but I can't even draw a stick figure"!
You'll be surprised at what you're creating yourself - and that you're falling in love with art all over again.

Kids who "didn't like art" were just waiting for the right projects and inspiration!

You have access to our ENTIRE library when you join,
and ALSO get this every month!

An entire bundle of art projects and resources that work for MULTIPLE grades, with...

A whole bundle of step-by-step lessons, cross-curricular extensions, and VIDEOS too!

You get all of this for one low, affordable price.
Why choose lesson plans OR videos, when you can have both?
Ashley L.
Ashley Lundin
This is the best art program I have found after two years of trying different ones. My boys have loved every project we've done! They want to do art everyday! My nine year old can navigate the website independently and get started himself.
Amber W.
As we do more projects I’ve noticed way less whining in the beginning and way more curiosity and willing to try. Sometimes they still get nervous about whether they can do it but they’re being more open to seeing what happens and I’m loving the growth in confidence they have!
Nicole Roth, one of our homeschooling members told us:
My daughter (7) just made these and her confidence went through the roof. The first was with the video lesson she watched yesterday and the second was from memory this morning. The video lessons allowed her to work creatively and independently and were a great boon for our homeschool day. It gave her the freedom to pursue art and flourish creatively. She's feeling like a true artist.

And when you're tired - you don't even need to spend time looking.
Just grab one of our done-for-you curriculums.
And when you join us today, you'll get ALL THREE curriculums, Global Art Hop, PEP - Elements and Principles, and our 50 States absolutely FREE - including our artist-designed set of Elements of Art and Principles of Design posters.
And here's just a TASTE of what's behind the closed doors (dessert is a full curriculum for the Principles of Design too).

Who is this membership designed for?
What do I get when I sign up?
What grades are these lessons for?
Do you have video lessons?
Do I have to buy expensive supplies?
Do you accept PO's/Charter Funds?
Are there standards and I CAN statements?
Do I need to buy any books?
Is this an Art History program?
Is there actually...glitter?
But...I'm not artsy. Will this help me?
Why would I pay when there's all the free stuff out there?
I'm not new to teaching, or to art. Will this help me?
Can I upgrade from monthly to annual?
Who is Soul Sparklettes Art?
It's time to make a choice...
You can continue to exhaust yourself hunting for projects and trying to piece them together, and continue to feel "not artsy"...
...or you can join us today and have a library of projects and non-stop support at your fingertips. Watch kids be excited by art - but also increase YOUR confidence.
Use the PDFs to lesson plan, or only use the videos when you want to take a minute to yourself or facilitate the teaching. Use one of the done-for-you curriculums, or have fun coming to the live classes.
Do it YOUR way. Happy kids - and a happy YOU.
If you're a school, or other institution, please contact us at [email protected] for customized bulk pricing.